Lagoon SAS Commercial company that owns the commercial establishments and the Hotel Lagoon brands, identified with Nit. 901.213.465-4 in compliance with Law 1581 of 2012 on the protection of personal data in possession and custody of private entities and its Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, informs workers, customers, suppliers and any interested third party, that the company has protection of personal data and that complies with the special requirements for the protection of personal data of minors (boys, girls and adolescents) preserving their protection, conservation and guaranteeing their responsible and safe use, trying to protect the right to privacy and protection of your personal information and all that which was provided through our formats, forms and hotel records located in our facilities and website before and after the validity of the decree and the law, with the direct approval of the legal representative in the events of Article 7 of Law 1581 of 2012 and Article 12 of Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, with the fi purpose that every person can know, update, rectify the information contained in our databases or files, in addition to being able to exercise the constitutional rights that assist them, such as those enshrined in article 15 and 20 of the national political constitution of 1991, especially those that could be sensitive, as a result of our exercise of commercial activity, of the agreements and contractual agreements entered into.
The personal data that the company possesses are stored, protected and managed in full compliance with the aforementioned Law. In order to guarantee the privacy and security of the data, this company will be subject to all applicable provisions on data protection that is issued by the national government, in addition to the treatment policies that the company has from the moment of data collection, previously known by you, in addition to the one that adds, modifies, deletes or repeals the law and the society after disclosure change.
The use and treatment given to the personal data of workers is only limited to the purely labor field and will eventually be shared with other companies or entities when this is necessary to comply with legal provisions in the labor regime and the protection of personal data.
In the case of clients and suppliers, personal information will be used for the following purposes:
1. Maintain an efficient communication of the information that is useful in the contractual links in which the Information Owner is a party.
2. To comply with the contractual and legal obligations contracted by Lagoon with the Information Holders.
3. Report internal modifications of any kind that arise in the development of the contractual links with the Information Owner.
4. Evaluate the quality of the services offered by the Information Holder.
5. Carry out internal studies on the habits of the Information Holder.
6. Sending information through a secure medium in Colombia and to other countries where, due to contingency issues, there are “back-ups” or backups of the information.
7. Transmit offers of products or services that may be useful or appropriate, individually or through commercial alliances contracted by Protucaribe.
8. Transfer your information to the database of the company Lagoon SAS commercial company identified with Nit. 901.213.465-4, in order to transmit offers of products or services that may be of interest. This company guarantees that it complies with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 on the protection of personal data in possession and custody of private entities and its regulatory decrees.
9. Transmit the data that the national government and / or the authorities require, in compliance with the tax, accounting and fiscal legislation, in general, the purpose established by law.
10. Sensitive data. The Information Holder declares that he knows, accepts and authorizes freely and spontaneously the treatment of sensitive data information that is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes described above based on the provisions of this authorization and policies. However, its supply and response is not mandatory and will be subject to freedom of reply.
11. Regarding the data collected directly from the video recordings that are made inside or outside the Lagoon SAS facilities of the Hotel Lagoon, these will be used for security purposes of the people, property and facilities of Lagoon and the Hotel and may be used as evidence in any type of process.

The rights that each owner or legal representative of the owner has over their personal data may be exercised through mechanisms such as consultations and written claims, which will allow them to have the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding their personal data registered in our databases and files.

To stop receiving communications (such as electronic newsletters, promotions, etc.) from the Hotel Lagoon Llano grande, automatically select the option "REMOVE SUBSCRIPTION / CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION" that is included at the bottom of each communication or write to the email electronic Info@lasamericashg.com for data rectification and cancellation of the sending of communications.

The personal data treatment policies described above will be in force as of June 27, 2013. The databases subject to Treatment will be in force for the term that the company lasts or for that established by law.

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